Sending a dog to Australia requires following a process involving a number of important steps. Tabu is now living in Perth!
When you want to travel with pets, it can be very stressful and hassling. Don’t worry, that’s why we are here to help you. When transporting your dog to Australia, you will need to follow some specific rules and regulations in order to get permission. Airlines do not accept dog transport bookings from the public. We can help you with the whole process of getting your dog to Australia by arranging his or her MPI certification, transport containers, veterinary treatments and everything else that need to be done in preparation. Contact Aero Pets to find out more. Read about transporting cats to Australia here.
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Age and breed
When you want to take your dog to Australia you will need to ensure that they are at least 8 weeks of age (56 days) at the time of travel. Secondly, you will need to be sure that your dog was living in Australia and/or in New Zealand for at least 90 days prior to the scheduled date of departure. If your dog was under any quarantine restrictions, they cannot fly until at least 60 days after the end date of the quarantine.
When you wish to transport your dog to Australia, the breed is a big factor. Your dog cannot be a Pit Bull Terrier type or American Pit Bull, Japanese Tosa, Fila Brasileiro, Dogo Argentino or Presa Canario, because Australia will not allow them to enter.
If your dog is pregnant at the time of the flight, it must be a maximum of 3 weeks into the pregnancy or else the airlines will not allow the dog to fly.
All went well for Topsy she was ready and waiting at the collection depot immediately after our flight and very happy to see us.
Thanks for all your friendly yet clear and concise communications. I liked your website is very easy to use and get good relevant information. The entire process was very straight forward, we are very happy to have her with us and she can’t stop wagging her tail.
Jen Abraham (Topsy – Toy Poodle: Auckland, NZ to Perth, Australia)
Vet Certification
When you wish to take your dog to Australia you need to make sure that you get an MPI export certificate and treatments for your pet by an approved veterinarian. In addition to the MPI certification, the vet will administer a complete parasite treatment for ticks, fleas, and worms to prevent their transport and spread. The certification must be done within 72 hours of your departure date.
It is important to fill out the export form accurately and be sure to note if the dog has ever been a resident in Africa, and whether the dog has been living in NZ since birth, since it was imported from Australia, or if it was imported from somewhere else. If your dog has been previously imported from Australia you must provide the Certifying Vet with the import documentation – either the Export Certificate from Australia or the Biosecurity Clearance document issued in New Zealand. Pets who have been outside of New Zealand may require extra vaccines or treatments in order to obtain the MPI Certificate. If you are ever unsure about anything, we have the answers so feel free to contact us anytime.
You will need to take the original Certificate signed by the vet with you to the airport on the day of your departure. The vet will also check your dogs microchip for functionality and then give you a statement confirming the dog is in good health as well as your MPI Certificate.
Transporting your Dog to Australia
Carriers are normally one of the most tricky parts of transporting your pet. You don’t want one that is too small or one that is too big. You need to make sure it is comfortable for your pet and something that can keep them calm. When you take your dog to Australia, you need to meet the required transport requirement of an approved cage which you can find the requirements for on the IATA website. While they do not endorse any particular company, the pet stores in your neighborhood will be able to advise you on the best carrier for your pet’s flight. If you have any trouble figuring out which carrier to buy, feel free to contact us and we can help you pick the right one based on your pets size, weight and age, or provide you with a compliant cage if required.
Thank you so much for all you have done to make this transition go so smoothly. You have totally given Shilah so much love as she is definitely relaxed when she arrived in Australia.
We were at the airport all early this morning but lots of waiting and staff at TOLL were amazing. We had to go away and have a coffee for an hr and when we came back she was there in her crate but needed to be checked by quarantine. I could see her through the glass and that was really hard. The staff went out to her and said she was so calm and very happy.
I tried to be calm and as soon as she heard my voice her tail is wagging and she’s doing the wining but the locks on cage were Cabled tied and I was trying to rip them open to get her out. She jumped out lay down for a tummy rub…. well lots of them!! She was so good straight into ute.
When we got home she sniffed at everything and ate heaps and is very sleepy and happy as you can see from pic. We are very happy to give you a reference or use this as a reference.
Can’t thank you enough.
Sue Wilkinson (Shilah – Collie/Retriever: NZ to Melbourne, Australia)
Microchips are small circuit boards in an RFID tag which can be implanted under your pet’s skin and are usually about the size of a grain of rice. These microchips have a number which is used to identify your pet and can be registered in both New Zealand and Australia. These chips are used in case your pet is lost and then found and taken to a Vet or SPCA. They can use the microchip to identify you and return him or her. All pets leaving New Zealand must have their own microchip number issued.
After your pet has met all these requirements and you have booked with us, you can go to the airport and catch your flight to Australia. When we check your pet in we will hand in your MPI Certificate and the last thing left to do is pay the clearance fee and pick your pet up when you get to Australia.
Contact Aero Pets to arrange travel for your dog to Australia.